Political Science at UWindsor

Job Opportunities

This page highlights job opportunities for students in Political Science and International Relations. It will be updated as new opportunities come to the department's attention, including calls for applications for internships, professional and skills development seminars and workshops, and entry-level career openings. These are external openings and events, unless otherwise noted. Please read the posts carefully for information on whom to contact for further details.

On This Page:

Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Youth Fellowship Opportunity

The Council of the Federation

Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC Internship Program

Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMK) 

GreenPAC Parliamentary Internship for the Environment

Ignite - Workstudy Program

The Juno Beach Center is Recruiting for its Guide Team

Ontario Consortium for Graduate Professional Skills (GPS)

Ontario Internship Program (OIP)

Apply to the Ontario Legislature Internship Programme

The Parliamentary Guide Program

Serbian Heritage Museum (SHM)

Workforce WindsorEssex


Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Youth Fellowship Opportunity

Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario’s 444 municipal governments. Through this Fellowship, participants will learn more about municipal governance and policy while gaining exposure to real-time issues facing Ontario’s municipalities. The eight-month Fellowship is intended to complement full-time studies or work and much of the program will be delivered virtually. When necessary, travel and accommodation will be funded by AMO.

Please review the program and application requirements.  



The Council of the Federation

The Council of the Federation offers a bilingual internship opportunity to potential students who are fluent in French and English.




Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC Internship Program

The Embassy of Canada’s Internship Program provides interns with an opportunity to be involved in governmental affairs and to develop an understanding of the Canada–U.S. bilateral relationship. Interns may be asked to: perform research, attend hearings and seminars, draft reports, assist with event management, or other relevant tasks. The program is intended to be a valuable educational experience which provides skills and knowledge for personal and professional growth. Find more information about the program here.


Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMK) 

Employment Opportunity

Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMK) supports the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs (Assembly) in the negotiation and consultation processes.

KMK engages Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw communities on the best ways to implement our collective Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. KMK is seeking a Policy Analyst to support the

Maw-Kleyukik Knijannaq/Child and Family Initiative (MKK) in this important work.


GreenPAC Parliamentary Internship for the Environment


For more information contact us: https://www.greenpac.ca/contact

Ignite - Workstudy Program

Ignite is the University of Windsor's Work Study program and funds part-time jobs on campus for students. Positions offer an opportunity for both financial benefits and skills development. Ignite is a work study program coordinated by Career Development & Experiential Learning. For information about the program please visit the site.


The Juno Beach Center is Recruiting for its Guide Team

The Juno Beach Center in Normandy is recruiting its Guide Team!  We have seven positions to be filled for three periods of employment throughout the year. All contracts are seven months long, allowing for a substantial professional experience for students in a very unique historical setting. We're looking for dynamic, fully bilingual students.  For more information and deadline dates, please visit our website

Join our Student Guide Team with multiple student pics

Ontario Consortium for Graduate Professional Skills (GPS)

Instructions for students to sign up for GPS:

  1. Students have to go to www.MyGradSkills.ca.
  2. Students have to enter personal information to sign up for the site. They must use their email address with their Ontario university main domain (i.e., USERID@uwindsor.ca).
  3. Once they sign up, they will receive a confirmation email to complete the sign up.
  4. Students have to follow the link to confirm the user ID and password.
  5. Once they sign in to the site, they can review the summary of the available courses and enroll themselves to any of the courses free of charge.

Please note students can go through the courses at their own pace and can stop and return to the site to continue a course at a later time. 

Ontario Internship Program (OIP)

The Ontario Internship Program invests in committed, talented graduates seeking a great opportunity to start and accelerate their careers. We are looking for recent alumni and upcoming graduates to join the Ontario Public Service (OPS). The OPS is an innovative, responsive and accountable public service that works hard to be diverse, anti-racist, inclusive, merit-based, and equitable. The Ontario Internship Program (OIP) is now open and accepting applications.

Applications for the 2023 OIP program have now closed. Please visit our website, in the fall of 2023 for more information regarding the 2024 program. 

The OIP recruits diverse, top new talent and provides them with the knowledge, training and hands-on work experience to succeed in the OPS. For more information, please check out the OIP website.

Apply to the Ontario Legislature Internship Programme

The Ontario Legislature Internship Programme is a 10-month, non partisan, paid internship offered to recent Canadian university graduates, from both undergraduate and masters programs.

Ontario Legislature Internship Programme’s application process opened this month on December 1st and will close on January 31st, 2023, at 11:59 PM.  To apply: http://www.olipinterns.ca/apply-to-olip


Interns will have the opportunity to:

  • Work directly with Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) from the government and opposition parties;
  • Write an academic research paper and present it at the Canadian Political Science Association's annual conference;
  • Meet with fascinating people including current and former premiers, MPPs, industry experts and more;
  • Write and present a research paper at a Canadian Political Science Association Conference
  • Chair internal committees; and
  • Acquire skills and build connections that will be useful in their future careers.

For more information on OLIP and the application process, click on the OLIP information handout to download a PDF copy.

Be sure to check out our social media pages for more information on the Programme and tips for applying from current interns. 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olipinterns/
Instagram: @olipinterns 
Twitter: @olipinterns 

If you have any questions about the Programme, please email recruitment@olipinterns.ca



From May to September, the Parliamentary Guide Program offers students from accross Canada the opportunity to work in Ottawa, at the heart of Canada's institutions.

Program highlights include:

  • Experiencing working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment;
  • Practice communicating in both official languages;
  • Comprehensive training and skill development;
  • Meeting and networking with people from across Canada and the world;
  • Travel to Ottawa and a stipend of $1000 is covered by the program.

Parliamentary Guides welcome and provide tours to hundreds of thousands of visitors, helping them understand and appreciate the history and functions of our country's national legislature.

The Parliamentary Guide Program is currently hiring for Fall-Winter 2023-2024!  If you have any questions about the Parliamentary Guide Program, contact us at guides@parl.gc.ca.

Application are currently being accepted to the Parliamentary Guide Program for Summer 2023.


Nous sollicitons votre aide pour promouvoir le Programme des guides parlementaires et vous prions de transmettre les informations qui suivent aux étudiants de votre département.

Nous acceptons actuellement les demandes de participation au Programme des guides parlementaires pour l’été 2020.

De mai à septembre, le Programme offre à des étudiants provenant des quatre coins du Canada une chance unique de travailler à Ottawa, au cœur du Parlement du Canada.

Points saillants du programme :

·         Acquisition d’une expérience de travail dans un milieu dynamique où les activités se déroulent à un rythme rapide sur la Colline parlementaire;

·         Pratique de la communication dans les deux langues officielles;

·         Formation complète et perfectionnement des compétences;

·         Occasion de rencontrer des gens de tout le Canada et du monde entier et de faire du réseautage;

·         Frais de déplacement vers Ottawa couverts par le programme et allocation de 1000$ offerte.

Les guides parlementaires accueillent des centaines de milliers de visiteurs et ils aident à comprendre l’histoire et le rôle de l’assemblée législative de notre pays.

·         Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements à ce sujet, veuillez visiter le site Web du programme à l’adresse suivante : https://lop.parl.ca/sites/emplois/default/fr_CA/guides


Serbian Heritage Museum Student Job Opportunity (2 Positions)
(Collections Management, Research and Marketing)
Location: Serbian Heritage Museum (SHM)
6770 Tecumseh Rd., E. Windsor, ON



The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) delivers the Young Canada Works (YCW) program offering summer jobs, a shared initiative with the Department of Canadian Heritage. The SHM is the recipient of a 12 week Grant to hire 2 students. Start date is flexible depending on the current Pandemic status.
Primary responsibility will be scanning and digitizing a large collection of rare documents, carry out accessioning of artifacts, assist with collections management tasks, and exhibition development, research, marketing and installation. Exhibition development and installation can include research and writing, graphic development of interpretive panels, preparation of the exhibition space, mounting exhibitions, and planning an event for opening of exhibit. Collections management tasks can include accessioning new acquisitions, photographing, inventory, documenting to the software database and appropriate storage of the item.


Duties include:

  • Coordinating the retrieval, preparation, and return of materials, performing quality assurance on digital files and metadata, and promoting the collection.

  • Will consult with conservators assessing material for scanning and with the Library Archivist on the schedule of in-house scanning, PDF creation, and ingesting metadata

  • Prepare materials for digitization

  • Quality control and asset management

  • Assist with upload of completed material to digital storage and access system

  • Create finding aids using Archivists Toolkit

  • Produces written descriptive records inventories, guides, and other retrieval aids in accordance with accepted archival standards and makes these available in accordance with the access framework and permission policies

  • Implements basic records preservation measures, including digitization and re-housing.

  • Researches, proposes, and processes library acquisitions; occasionally de-accessions to hone the library collection and periodical subscriptions

  • Conducts archival and digital asset management research.


  • currently enrolled in University or College

  • interest in museum and exhibition, cultural management, public programs

  • prior experience working on digitization projects and or archival management

  • working knowledge of a variety of image file formats and various popular software products

  • knowledge of intellectual property and copyright issues as they relate to digital reformatting

  • excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills

  • knowledge of best standards for digital capture, description, and preservation

  • experience in creating publications, promotional material, digitized content


Young Canada Works Grant wage is $14.00 per hour


Be apart of some of the most amazing and rewarding humanitarian projects by volunteering in our 2 week programs in South East Asia, South Africa, Fiji and Ecuador next year. VESA’s humanitarian and conservation projects aim to provide direct action support to communities in parts of the world overlooked by traditional charities and aid organisations. Read below what you can do in each of these programs, and how you can apply to be apart of our biggest changes yet once it is safe to travel.

ECUADOR Each morning you’ll take a canoe to an indigenous community that’s otherwise inaccessible and help out with our infrastructure and teaching projects. Your construction project mission is to build bathrooms/toilet blocks for the Indigenous communities that flank the Napo River. A lot of these villages have no access to toilet facilities, and typically use the river. You get to make a big difference in changing this by your construction projects, which in turn help hygiene and nature. The education project takes place in the community school, where you’ll assist in teaching basic English to children aged 5-12.

FIJI ISLANDS Always dreamed of living a completely different way of life? This is your chance, in a traditional Fijian homestay. The infrastructure project will see you working right alongside the locals and VESA team to construct composts and incinerators for the village and the education project gives you the chance to teach local primary school kids geography, maths and science through basic lessons and games. You also get the opportunity to work with replantation of coral reefs while learning and seeing all the underwater marine life, and helping the most endangered species of turtles on the islands.

SOUTH AFRICA We cover a broad range of opportunities in Africa, including infrastructure, education and wildlife conservation projects. You’ll work closely with children teaching English and basic sanitation, hygiene and nutrition through games and activities. As well as this you get the chance to reinvigorate the village facilities with a fresh coat of paint, build new homes for families in need, play equipment and help to construct bathrooms and kitchens alongside our qualified tradespeople. Your wildlife projects involve helping with the rehabilitation and rescue of Crocodiles and Cheetahs alongside experts.

LAOS There are countless elephant programs run across Southeast Asia, and it can be tricky to know which ones are ethical and directly benefit the elephants, not the tourists. Stay in a remote elephant sanctuary (veterinary and animal sciences placements are available) and get right up close to its residents. In the rural Sayaboury region the community is suffering from a severe lack of resources. Helping alongside experts with the Elephants is truly rewarding and an unforgettable experience. As well as teaching young children English, basic hygiene, nutrition, recycling and waste management, we’ll continue our construction project in 2021– providing a brand new three classroom building.

Where would you like to volunteer next year?

If you would like to be a part of something incredible when it is safe to travel again, or would simply like more information please check out our website www.vesabroad.org for videos explaining each country in detail, as well with videos on cost information, fundraising, how to get accepted onto a VESA program and details regarding VESA and Covid-19. We normally hold these information sessions at your university each year, but due to the pandemic this is the safest way to find out how you can make a difference next year! (And they are pretty awesome videos!)

Where: https://www.instagram.com/vesabroad/ on our story !

Also check out our GIVEAWAY post on our Insta to see how you can also win a FREE trip to make a difference!***

If you can't make the Instagram Q&A event, please feel free to find out more information or apply online at www.vesabroad.org where you can watch our full information session in videos. You can also email info@vesabroad.org to ask any further questions and queries. **Also exciting news, check out our giveaway on our Instagram page, and see how you can win a free trip to make a difference!** Why not check out our Facebook group, Volunteer Eco Students Abroad to see what current participants have to say!

Workforce WindsorEssex


Join the Team - Workforce WindsorEssex

Are you looking to use your knowledge, skills and experience to make a real difference in our community? At Workforce WindsorEssex, you can be part of a great team of people who work hard to deliver resources to jobseekers, employers, students, educators, newcomers, key decision makers and the community so that they can save time, money and effort.

 Workforce WindsorEssex is now looking for a Research and Policy Analyst to join our team. The job posting is up on our website and applicants may apply via Indeed. More details here: