
Han Zhang, Emmanuel IgodanEngineering student Han Zhang and international relations student Emmanuel Igodan have teamed up to found Landerz backpack and luggage company.

High-tech backpack goal of student start-up

Engineering student Han Zhang and international relations student Emmanuel Igodan have teamed up to found Landerz backpack and luggage company.

Dylan Verburg, Rajesh SethUWindsor engineering student Dylan Verburg and professor Rajesh Seth take samples from the water supply to New Delhi, the capital of India.

Engineering magazine profiles Windsor grad student

A magazine for the province’s engineers has profiled Dylan Verburg’s work to improve water quality in the Indian capital city of New Delhi.

Abdul Abdul, Jonathan Byensi, Damir Ferhatovic, Ankit Bhat, and Shreya PatkiSix engineering students will spend the summer in the United Kingdom improving their research skills in water treatment and renewable energy technologies: Abdul Abdul, Jonathan Byensi, Damir Ferhatovic, Ankit Bhat, and Shreya Patki (not pictured: Laura George).

Students to hone engineering skills during three-month stints in U.K.

Six engineering students will spend the summer in the U.K. improving their research skills in water treatment and renewable energy technologies.

students meeting with potential employersMore than 430 students equipped with resumés met with 19 employers, June 1 at the Engineering Career Fair.

Engineering Career Fair draws hundreds

More than 430 students equipped with resumés met with 19 employers, June 1 at the Engineering Career Fair.