
woman looking over Code of EthicsIn an Iron Pin Ceremony for its incoming students, the Faculty of Engineering asked them to pledge an oath to ethics, integrity, respect and professionalism.

Engineering students pledge to uphold integrity in new ceremony

First-year engineering students pledged to uphold ideals of ethics, integrity, respect and professionalism.

Waguih ElMaraghy, Kate FuUWindsor engineering professor Waguih ElMaraghy accepts congratulations from Kate Fu, vice-chair of the ASME Design Theory and Methodology Committee, for his 30 years of activity with the group.

Design theory group recognizes UWindsor prof as founder

Engineering professor Waguih ElMaraghy was honoured as a founding member of the Design Theory and Methodology Committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at its conference last week in Quebec City.

Dr. ElMaraghy, a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering, also received a pin recognizing his 30 years of involvement with the group.

Fourth-year civil engineering students tour the construction site of the new Windsor Public Library Sandwich branch on Friday, Aug. 3, 2018.Fourth-year civil engineering students tour the construction site of the new Windsor Public Library Sandwich branch on Friday, Aug. 3, 2018.

Civil engineering students get sneak peek at historic renovation

UWindsor students got a first-hand look last week at the challenges engineers face when working on heritage projects.

Visual Arts and the Built Environment professor Jason Grossi and sessional instructor William Tape led 48 fourth-year civil and environmental engineering students through the site of the future Windsor Public Library branch in historic Sandwich last Friday.

Grossi said the new library holds many lessons for students.

Habib Haider explains his group project, a system designed to reduce the impact of long lines waiting to access the Gordie Howe International Bridge, to professor Hanna Maoh of the Cross-Border Institute.Habib Haider explains his group project, a system designed to reduce the impact of long lines waiting to access the Gordie Howe International Bridge, to professor Hanna Maoh of the Cross-Border Institute.

Engineering projects demonstrate application of knowledge to real-world problems

Graduating students displayed more than 60 projects during Capstone Design Demonstration Day, Friday in the Centre for Engineering Innovation.

Anna Noelkaramatos, Emma Hobbs, Emily Tayag, Mirandi Mcdonald, and Ivanka Pavlovich Mirandi Mcdonald, a graduate student of civil and environmental engineering, (top right) watches as Anna Noelkaramatos, Emma Hobbs, Emily Tayag, and Ivanka Pavlovich test a concept during an engineering summer camp at the University of Windsor.

Summer camp introducing youngsters to engineering concepts

UWindsor’s Engineering Lancer Summer Camp hosted 60 children last week.