exterior of Essex Centre of ResearchA new online publication shines a spotlight on work by students in the Faculty of Science.

Magazine highlights work of science students

An industrious group of science students launched an online magazine earlier this year.

Standing for Research, Exploration, Achievements, and Discovery, READSci is a student-made magazine that showcases various aspects of the Faculty of Science, its students, and student-led initiatives.

The project was initiated by students Sona Regonda, Laith Almasri, Adam Gaisinsky, and Linda Nguyen along with work by Tamjeed Nawaz, Aaryan Patel, and Deya’a Almasri.

“The project continues to grow, with the goal of providing an outlet for science students to share their work or ideas,” says Nguyen.

The 2023-24 first edition features work from high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.

“Contributors and highlighted initiatives offer diverse perspectives, pieces, and accomplishments,” says Regonda. “READSci aims to guide newer students around research, clubs/organizations, and opportunities as many amazing things go unnoticed around campus and within our community!”

Find the first edition on the science website. To contribute to a future edition or to join the team, follow @uwin_readsci on Instagram for updates or email readsci@uwindsor.ca.

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