cartoon penguin under banner reading Polar DipThe Windsor-Essex United Way will hold its inaugural Polar Dip on Feb. 3 at Leamington’s Seacliff Beach.

Polar plunge to provide path out of poverty

The inaugural Polar Dip of the United Way Windsor-Essex County will raise funds to help local kids break the cycle of poverty.

With a theme of “Chillin’ for Charity,” the event invites participants to brave the frigid waters of Lake Erie on Saturday, Feb. 3, collecting donations to support United Way programs like On Track to Success and Ignite Academy.

  • $25 gives a student the school supplies they need in the classroom.
  • $50 allows a child to participate in literacy and math tutoring after school for one month.
  • $100 provides a family with an emergency food gift card to provide basic needs.

Registrants will gather at 9:30 a.m. at the Roma Club of Leamington, with a shuttle to and from Seacliff Beach for the dip.

Find more information on how to participate or donate to the cause on the Polar Dip website.

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