Lancers Care WeekUWindsor employees can learn about campus and community mental health resources during a training retreat Nov. 14.

Retreat to offer training in mental health care

A Nov. 14 training session marks a partnership between the University of Windsor and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) for Lancers Care Week.

Tanuj Sharma, a third-year psychiatry resident with the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, will facilitate a presentation on complex mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia including symptoms, onset and how to connect with students experiencing these conditions. Dr. Sharma’s session will be part of the Connecting to Care: Campus Mental Health Training Retreat happening on Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 8:30 a.m. to noon in Ambassador Auditorium.

“As a specialty hospital with a focus on mental health and addictions and rehabilitative care, HDGH is always willing to partner with other local institutions for events that aim to have a positive impact on the mental health of our community,” says Patrick Kolowicz, director, mental health and addictions at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. “HDGH would like to thank Dr. Pat Montaleone and Dr. Tanuj Sharma for facilitating and leading an education session on mental health, including discussion on common mental health disorders and the impact of stigma. We also want to thank the University of Windsor for their continued leadership and partnership.”

The retreat is open to all UWindsor employees. It will also feature a session by Mohsan Beg, executive director of UWindsor Student Health, Counselling and Wellness Services, on how to support students in distress. Details will be provided on campus and community mental health resources along with a complimentary breakfast.

“We are very excited to host Dr. Sharma and Dr. Beg for this semester’s training retreat,” says Katie Chauvin, mental health and wellness co-ordinator. “They both hold a wealth of knowledge and offer engaging and thought-provoking sessions. This retreat will provide another layer of training to help build up our capacity as a campus for supporting students experiencing mental health concerns.”

Clementa Stan, a member of the Lancers Care working group, notes that mental illness is still a stigmatized and misunderstood topic.

“The first step in breaking down this stigma and ensuring an inclusive campus is gaining the knowledge from experts in this area,” she says.

Employees can register here to attend the Connecting to Care: Campus Mental Health Training Retreat.

Learn more about helping students experiencing distress.

View the full Lancers Care Week calendar of events and register for additional learning sessions.