Cover of the viewbook shows young woman in spotlightWith a theme of “UThrive - Step into the Spotlight,” the University’s 2023-24 recruitment campaign will centre around individual contributions to collective success.

Recruitment campaign to shine spotlight on exceptional individuals

The University’s new marketing campaign, “UThrive - Step into the Spotlight,” will breathe life into the student experience and ignite the aspirations of potential undergraduate applicants, says Chris Busch, associate vice-president, enrolment management.

The campaign centres around remarkable individuals who shape the institution’s unique identity.

“We aim to inspire prospective Lancers, encouraging them to explore this outstanding institution and choose UWindsor for their educational journey,” Dr. Busch says. “By celebrating the exceptional individuals who make a difference, we showcase our University’s profound commitment to its community and relentless pursuit of a supportive environment.”

The campaign will share stories of members of the University community and their contributions to its collective successes. Elements will be integrated across all recruitment efforts through the year, spanning the future student website, email campaigns, blog content, events, and social and traditional media platforms.

The University Viewbook will be the first recruitment resource to showcase this approach. Distribution is already in progress among campus stakeholders and every academic unit.

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