Mike McMahon leading fitness classMike McMahon will lead faculty and staff in some simple but powerful stress-busting stretches on Wednesday, Aug. 23.

Session to suggest stress-busting stretches

Finding time for intentional movement throughout the workday can be a powerful practice, says Mike McMahon assistant fitness and sport conditioning co-ordinator for Lancer Recreation.

He will lead a workshop for UWindsor faculty and staff, entitled “Stressbusters: Stretches to relieve anxiety and tension,” on Wednesday, Aug. 23.

“On top of the actual movements that help to mobilize soft tissues and joints, taking a step away from your desk helps refocus your energy and can make you more effective at your job,” McMahon says. “Stack that effect over a few days, and boom: you’re a veritable powerhouse of productivity which in itself is a stress reducer.”

The Wednesday Wellness session runs 12:15 to 1 p.m. in the Alumni Auditorium, CAW Student Centre. Register here to attend.