Young musicians perform in orchestra pit.Enriching musical experiences await young musicians in the summer program offered through Continuing Education.

Register by June 28 for Lab School youth music program

Following the success of University of Windsor Lab School: Strings this past winter, the School of Creative Arts, in collaboration with Continuing Education, is offering an immersive summer music program welcoming beginner and intermediate-level students aged 4 to 17.

Director of the University of Windsor Lab School, Vanessa Mio-Quiring, looks to foster musical growth through engaging experiences, like group lessons in flute and strings, choir, master classes, performance opportunities, improvisation and composition, and visual art instruction by University of Windsor faculty.

“This is a unique opportunity for students to engage with UWindsor instructors,” Dr. Mio-Quiring says. “We’ve included the element of choir, composition, and visual arts to the program so students can be creative and have a versatile experience in music and the arts this summer.”

The program will take place at the Windsor Armouries – School of Creative Arts for two weeks: July 10 to 14, and 17 to 21, with a registration deadline of June 28.

Organizers encourage parents to enrol their young musicians for an invaluable opportunity to learn in a group setting, explore new artistic horizons, and make lasting memories through social experiences.

Visit the Continuing Education registration page to learn more and register.