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Candace Knights, Quessia Mugabo, Ajay Sundarraj, Pradeep Bhawani, Ifedayo Fashusi, Rabia Ali, Shaymaa ZantoutEnjoying jab shadow experiences over study week were UWindsor students (standing) Candace Knights, Quessia Mugabo, Ajay Sundarraj, Pradeep Bhawani, (seated) Ifedayo Fashusi, Rabia Ali, Shaymaa Zantout.

Participants hail success of study week job shadow program

Criminology student Quessia Mugabo says spending a day at the Windsor Police Service helped her to define a career path.

She was one of the participants in the Job Shadow Experience organized during study week by Career Development & Experiential Learning, part of the Office of Experiential Learning. The program gives students an opportunity to observe professionals in their workplaces to learn about the career, the sector, and how to be competitive in the labour market.

“The host really taught me a lot and has provided me with information I wouldn’t have gained on my own,” says Mugabo. “I’m so thankful that I was able to be a part of such an amazing program.”

Her host, diversity and recruitment officer Neil McEachrane, calls the experience a benefit to the police service as well as the students: “Giving our youth a chance to get a great feel for policing helps in our recruitment process.”

Career advisor Stephanie Dupley says her office has made 50 matches in the program’s first year.

“It’s a very competitive program,” she notes. “We received over 250 applications for a limited number of spots.”

Each participating student had a chance to observe, tour the workplace, and conduct an interview, allowing them to see the career and industry in action and ask pertinent questions.

Dupley says the hosts were generous in giving their time and attention to provide students with fantastic learning opportunities.

Renée Bombardier, a graphic designer in the University’s public affairs office, says she was happy to help out.

"As a campus employee, I am always looking for ways to improve the quality of education for our students,” she says. “If simply doing my job with a sidekick for a day helps a student make better decisions about their career tracks, I’m in. It was quick, easy, fun — and I hope I made a difference for one student.”

Shaymaa Zantout, a master’s candidate in history, says her day shadowing Bombardier was time well spent.

“The Job Shadow Experience was incredibly informative, educational, and practical,” she says. “Meeting with a professional in the industry is a rewarding experience that all students should take advantage of.”

Dupley says the program’s success has Career Development & Experiential Learning planning to offer it again in the fall. Read more about this semester’s placements.