An orientation session will provide information and introduce participants to the of the “Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform” collaborative research project model. An orientation session will provide information and introduce participants to the of the “Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform” collaborative research project model.

Smart Computing Innovation Platform to offer information session

An initiative to offer access and guidance on advanced computing and big data analytics tools will hold an orientation session from 10 a.m. to noon in the Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, Epic Innovation, second floor workshop room, on Monday, September 14.

UWindsor is one of the most recent members of the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP), a research and development consortium with a mandate to fuel innovation leadership in Canada within the areas of advanced manufacturing, digital media, cybersecurity, mining, agile computing, health, water energy, and cities.

SOSCIP fosters partnerships between academic and industry researchers on projects that require advanced computing resources and that have a strong potential for commercialization – expertise not available anywhere else in Canada.

The session will provide information and introduce participants to the SOSCIP collaborative research project model, as well as the computing, technical and funding resources available through the program. Participants are asked to register at

The SOSCIP team will be available after the presentation to answer questions and consult on project ideas.