Michelle Bondy

Let’s Talk Science volunteer Nina Milidrag (l.) helped the sixth grader Morgan Curtis (r.) examine a sheep’s brain during St. Anthony Catholic School’s field visit to UWindsor, June 17. Let’s Talk Science volunteer Nina Milidrag (l.) helped the sixth grader Morgan Curtis (r.) examine a sheep’s brain during St. Anthony Catholic School’s field visit to UWindsor, June 17.

Grade school students explore biology at UWindsor

Harrow’s St. Anthony Catholic School’s sixth and fifth graders explore biology at UWindsor, during an educational field trip June 17.

Michelle Bondy with kidsMichelle Bondy, outreach program coordinator for the Faculty of Science, leads children in a model catapult demonstration during a powwow August 15 at the Walpole Island First Nation.

Science reaches out to First Nations community

Let’s Talk Science joined powwow activities at the Walpole Island First Nation this summer.

Organizer seeking student volunteers for science outreach program

Sharing her passion for science with elementary and high school youth helped to remind Michelle Bondy why she loved the subject in the first place. Now she is hoping to spread that enthusiasm with the help of student volunteers from the University of Windsor.

A UWindsor biology grad (BSc 2009), Bondy is outreach program coordinator for the Faculty of Science, and has started recruiting for Let’s Talk Science, which offers free hands-on activities to engage children in science, technology, engineering and math.