
From left to right: Applied social psychology doctoral candidates, Twiladawn Stonefish , Ashlyne O'Neil  and Joan Craig were enlisted by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario to survey provincial colleges for the study, The Recruitment of UnderrFrom left to right: Applied social psychology doctoral candidates, Twiladawn Stonefish , Ashlyne O'Neil and Joan Craig were enlisted by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario to survey provincial colleges for the study, The Recruitment of Underrepresented Groups at Ontario Colleges: A Survey of Current Practices.

Study says improvement needed in college recruitment of underrepresented students

Three applied social psychology doctoral candidates’ study says Ontario colleges can better recruit and retain underrepresented groups

Students pet Maya, the friendly dog of Therapeutic Paws of Canada. Students pet Maya, the friendly dog of Therapeutic Paws of Canada.

Paws share love with students

Students spend a day with the friendly dogs of the Therapeutic Paws of Canada. Take part on April 9, from noon to 1:30 p.m.