
The Windsor Engineering team raced two vehicles at the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, hosted by Purdue University at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, taking both fourth and ninth places. The Windsor Engineering team raced two vehicles at the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, hosted by Purdue University at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, taking both fourth and ninth places.

Engineering team races to the top in electric vehicle design competition

UWindsor Engineering team punched above its weight to take both fourth and ninth places in the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix. 

Dean Mehrdad Saif (l.) and Provost Douglas Kneale (r.) presented engineering professor Vesselin Stoilov (m.) with a medal, honouring him at the newly-established awards program that recognizes the contributions of faculty and staff. Dean Mehrdad Saif (l.) and Provost Douglas Kneale (r.) presented engineering professor Vesselin Stoilov (m.) with a medal, honouring him at the newly-established awards program that recognizes the contributions of faculty and staff.

Windsor Engineering recognizes performance excellence

The newly-established Faculty of Engineering awards program recognizes the contributions of its faculty and staff. 

Green scene: The solar bench—which uses the sun’s rays to charge electronics—frames a recycling station, a bicycle rack and the Stewart Moore Carolinian Garden to point up the University of Windsor’s commitment to environmental responsibility.Green scene: The solar bench—which uses the sun’s rays to charge electronics—frames a recycling station, a bicycle rack and the Stewart Moore Carolinian Garden to point up the University of Windsor’s commitment to environmental responsibility.

UWindsor named among greenest universities in North America

UWindsor was among five Canadian universities ranked among the greenest in North america.

Mitchell Campbell, mechanical engineering student, launching UWindsor’s aircraft at the SAE Aero Design West Collegiate Competition. Mitchell Campbell, mechanical engineering student, launching UWindsor’s aircraft at the SAE Aero Design West Collegiate Competition.

Engineering team among top at aircraft design competition

A team of five mechanical engineering students won the SAE Aero Design West Collegiate Competition, micro class, for designing an aircraft that was required to pass 50 technical inspection and safety rules to be cleared for take-off.

The three-day competition, which was held recently in California, also included a design proposal, an oral presentation and four rounds of flight for 74 teams which hailed from as far away as Japan, says Team Captain Richelle Dolan.

Paul Grzeszczak (m.) received the IT Services Achievement Award as part of the first annual IT Services Awards program. In the picture: Gwendolyn Ebbett (r.) and Dr. Alan Wright (l.)Paul Grzeszczak (m.) received the IT Services Achievement Award as part of the first annual IT Services Awards program. In the picture: Gwendolyn Ebbett (r.) and Dr. Alan Wright (l.)

Awards recognize efforts of IT staff members and supporters

Newly established annual IT Services Awards initiative recognizes efforts of IT staff members and supporters.